Saturday, November 22, 2008

Honey Lemon with Aloe Bits

Aunty Sarah loves growing plants & she reali takes gd care of them.She gave mi some big lovely aloe vera today.Wat i usually do with aloe vera is either use them for facial for cook them.
I decided to prepare a refreshing drink & add aloe vera bits as toppings.

Preparing aloe vera bits is a tedious job. Spent quite a long time removing the outer layer & cutting them into small bits.
As they were reali slimy, gotto run them under tap water, followed by hot water, den cold water again b4 they are ready to be cook.

-Simply bring aloe vera bits to boil, add 2 tbsp sugar.
-Drained, run under cold water, add some ice cubes to the aloe vera.
-Prepare sugar syrup by adding sugar to boiling water, stir in honey
-Mix syrup, lemon juice, aloe vera bits & some cold water.
-Serve with ice cubes.

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