I've always love to eat my greens "Green".To me the point is, if greens are overcooked,no point eating them as they've already lost its nutrients & vitamins.

500g spare-ribs
20g wolfberries
6 red dates
3 glove garlic
Boiling water
Salt to taste
1 bunch watercess
-Wash & clean spare-ribs.
-Cut off stem from watercess.
-Wash & clean garlic, do not remove skin.
-Bring a pot of water to boil
-Add boiling water to the slow cooker, set mode on high auto.
-When boiling water high boils, add spare-ribs, garlic & red dates.
-Let soup slow cook for about 1 hr, add salt to taste.
-Juz b4 serving, add watercess to the soup, boil for another 5 mins.
-Serve hot.
*Do not cover the pot while cooking watercess, otherwise it will turn yellowish.