Ingredients A,B & C
A: Fried Bee Hoon
Bee hoon, soaked and drain
2 tbsp tau cheow
2 tsp chili paste
Pinch of msg and salt
Some water
-Fry bee hoon, add seasoning and beansprouts
B: Stock
1500ml water
230g assam paste
1 1/2 tbsp tau cheow
1 tsp home made chili paste
Some dried shrimp water
5 tbsp sugar
-Bring everything to boil
-Bring everything to boil
C: Garnishes
Hard boil eggs
Toasted dried baby shrimps
Beancurd puffs
Assemble ingredients A, B & C serve & enjoy! Its simple and easy as abc. Rempah can be prepared the day b4 and for this time round, i used different proportion of the ingredients for rempah.
Assemble ingredients A, B & C serve & enjoy! Its simple and easy as abc. Rempah can be prepared the day b4 and for this time round, i used different proportion of the ingredients for rempah.
100g dried shrimp
150g shallot paste
20g onion paste
5 chili padi, minced
-Soak and drain dried shrimp, pound.
-Fry dried shrimp till fragarnt, remove
-Fry shallot, onion and chili till oil ooze out.
-Stir in dried shrimps.
-Rempah is done.
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